formulated by Dr Maria Montessori
The Montessori Method is formulated by Dr.Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and an educator. It is a method of educating young children that focuses on the development of a child's own initiative and natural abilities, especially through practical play. This method allows children to develop at their own pace and provide educators with a better understanding of child development. The students learn through activities that involve exploration, manipulations, order, repetition, abstraction, and communication and move on to deal with abstract concepts based on their newly developed powers of reasoning, imagination, and creativity. Given below are the primary areas that help imbibe these values:

EPL (Exercises of Practical Life)
These exercises help a child grow independently with regard to performance of elementary movements like how to hold things, put them down, pick them up, how to roll, unroll, how to sit, walk, Looking after the environment-dusting, cleaning, taking care of pets and plants, looking after oneself, by learning to be well groomed, and maintain cordial social relations.
Children are particularly receptive to developing their senses from ages 2-6 and it is important to give children at those ages as many sensorial experiences as possible. Sensorial Activities were designed to cover every quality that can be perceived by the senses such as size, shape, composition, loudness or softness, texture, weight, temperature etc. Sensorial activities are the developmental activities that are provided to the children performing which the child becomes conscious of the physical properties of matter in isolation.
The child needs to become conscious of his language as it forms a vital aspect of the environment. Various activities are offered to enrich vocabulary both qualitatively and quantitatively by giving the child right usage of words. The child is given assistance to help him analyze his language at the phonetic level. The activities helps the child becomes conscious of sounds in words and to help the child realize that words are made up of sounds. Also helps the child to know the symbols and associates them with their sounds.
At a certain point in development, usually around the age of four, the child enters the sensitive period for numbers, and the child’s mathematical nature awakens. She graduates from purely sensorial explorations to interest in specific measuring and counting. Once begun, the child progresses through the math materials sequentially.